Startup Fundraising FastTrack

Expert Guidance Meets Global Exposure!

Fundraising FastTrack grants you exclusive entry to a world-class ecosystem with over 25,000+ registered investors, magnified by AI/ML-powered matchmaking through CapitalHQ, extending your global reach to a network of over 200,000 Angels, VCs, and family offices.

Elevate your pitch with the rare opportunity to receive genuine, constructive feedback from seasoned angel investor, refining your approach to ensure you hit the market with your strongest proposition yet.

Innovative Partnership

This integrated partnership combines over 36 years of Aery Advisors' fundraising expertise with Wholesale Investor's CapitalHQ platform. Leveraging Wholesale Investor's extensive network of over 25,000+ registered investors built over 14 years, FastTrack offers startups unparalleled access to funding opportunities and expert guidance.

Demonstration of CapitalHQ

With a proprietary network of over 25,000+ registered investors and deal makers, enhanced by AI/ML matchmaking, Capital HQ can help you extend your reach globally, connecting you with more than 200,000 Angels, VCs, and family offices.

How they raised over $40 million on CapitalHQ

Here’s a series of interviews where founders and CEOs share their milestones, challenges, and most importantly successes when it comes to capital raising. Get valuable insights from these videos and discover why this is a great opportunity for you as a founder and investor to get connected with the Wholesale Investor network.

Megan Buxton - Wholesale Investor

Scott Graham (REX Energy), Mark Peart (DIT Agtech),
Trevor Townsend (OMX Solutions), Neil Graham (Long Pipes)

Rick McElhinney

CEO, Sunshine HydroPty Ltd

Fundraising FastTrack Options

  • FastTrack

  • FastTrack premium

  • Resources


Deal Room Readiness

Get personalized guidance to check you have all the necessary and appropriate documents for investors invited to your Deal Room.


Pitch Practice with Brad Furber

Engage in a one-on-one session with angel investor Brad Furber. Benefit from honest and objective feedback to refine your pitch for maximum impact.


Onboarding Specialist

Transition smoothly into the AI-Powered CapitalHQ Fundraising Platform with the support of a dedicated professional.


Access to CapitalHQ for 12 months

  • Feature in the CapitalHQ Marketplace: Directly showcase your opportunity to investors.
  • AI/ML Investor Matching: Connect with our extensive network of 25,000+ VCs, HNW Investors, Family Offices, and industry connections.
  • Access to 200,000+ Investor Profiles: Includes Angels, Family Offices, VCs, and Investment Groups
  • Presentation spot + virtual booth at CapitalHQ Online Showcase: A global online showcase for up to 500 investors from inside CapitalHQ.
  • Search, Filter, and Connect: with the CapitalHQ Investor ecosystem  
  • Email Promotion: Market your opportunity to our proprietary investor base of over 33,000
  • Unlimited Investor Room Access: Host an unlimited number of investors in your room
  • Investor Prospecting Credits: 30 monthly credits to invite investors from the CapitalHQ Investor ecosystem



1 easy payment


FastTrack Premium

1 easy payment


Leina Kacimi

Funding Specialist, PLMD Group


Got questions? We've got answers.

Do you charge success fees?

We do not charge success fees! Aery Advisors is a fundraising consultancy and Wholesale Investor is a technology and subscription-based business, which means you keep 100% of what you raise.

Who is Wholesale Investor (WI), and what do they do?

Wholesale Investor (WI) is a leading capital engagement platform connecting founders with its network of over 25,000 early-stage investors since 2008.

WI provide investors direct access to leading emerging growth companies, private opportunities, special funds, Pre-IPO and small-cap listed companies. Over the last 14 years, they have seen their clients raise millions of dollars through investor engagement to fund their growth and ambitions, with 10 achieving Unicorn status, 66 exiting, and dozens seeing 10x+ returns.

WI have facilitated this online via their proprietary CapitalHQ™ platform and through their exclusive events, which have been hosted across 7 countries.

Their software utilizes world-leading AI/ML to place your opportunities in front of the most relevant investors.

What is Aery Advisors role in the FastTrack program?

Aery Advisors plays a pivotal role as a strategic catalyst to refine your fundraising process even before you onboard the CapitalHQ Platform. Here's how we make a difference:

  • Get Actionable Feedback: Our experts turn investor politeness into clear improvement points for your pitch.
  • Stand Out From The Crowd: Learn how to showcase your startup's unique value and grab investor attention.
  • Trusted Guidance: Navigate the complexities of fundraising with our experienced and reliable advisors.
  • Avoid Costly Mistakes: Save time and resources by side-stepping common fundraising pitfalls.
  • Refine Your Approach: Identify strengths, address weaknesses, and optimize your fundraising strategy.
  • Due Diligence Ready: Ensure your Deal Room is equipped with all the necessary documents.

We empower you to raise capital with confidence.

What is CapitalHQ?

Formerly CRIISP, CapitalHQ is a capital engagement platform built by Wholesale Investor, which streamlines and simplifies the capital raising process. By providing access to investors globally, streamlined processes, and deal intelligence, CapitalHQ empowers Founders with their current and future raises.

CapitalHQ also utilises AI/ML-driven matchmaking that matches your investment offer with the most relevant investors inside their network, 24/7.

What type of investors are in your network?

Over 25,000 high-net-worth, angel investors, venture capital firms, private equity firms, funds, other financial institutions and industry participants from around the world make up our investor network.

What other investors can I access in CapitalHQ?

While we have our proprietary network of over 25,000 accredited investors, you can also access over 200,000 VC, Family Office and Angel Investors globally via the platform.

What makes the FastTrack Program unique?

Unmatched Expertise Meets Powerful Connections:

Our team of seasoned advisors (35+ years of experience) has a proven track record of guiding startups to secure funding. We leverage our deep understanding of investors to tailor your fundraising strategy and pitch, maximizing your chances of success.

FastTrack goes beyond just connections.

Our proprietary investor ecosystem grants you access to over 25,000 qualified investors, including HNW individuals, family offices, and international players.

Leading capital engagement software CapitalHQ enables AI/ML-driven matchmaking, deal intelligence, streamlined processes and automated investor relations.

When does my subscription start?

Your 12-month subscription begins after a deal room readiness session and pitch practice to ensure your pitch and documents are polished before investor interaction.

What are the credits for?

You get 30 monthly credits to invite registered investors from the CapitalHQ Investor ecosystem into your deal room.

Can I invite my own investors into my deal room?

Absolutely! CapitalHQ allows you to invite unlimited investor prospects regardless of location.

Will other startups have access to my own investor?

No, your invited investors will only have access to your specific deal room, maintaining confidentiality for other startups. If your investor wishes to explore other opportunities on CapitalHQ, they can make an application directly.

Can I reach investors outside WI's network?

Yes, the FastTrack Premium Package includes an "Investor Dream List" (IDL) identifying at least 300 potential investors beyond our Investor ecosystem. Our experts will set up and launch a credible email campaign, inviting your customized Investor Prospect List to your exclusive CapitalHQ deal room.

Hundreds of Successful Clients

Our successful track record comes from the unique ecosystem we have built, a community that continuously supports and educates startups, scale-ups, and listed companies







Successful Private Equity Raises


Why work with Aery Advisors?

Printify Inc., headquartered in Riga, Latvia, announced in September 2021 that it successfully closed a $45 Million Series A financing, led by Index Ventures, H&M Group and Virgin Group.

Latvia’s Printify Closes $45 Million Series A Round

"I think the most expensive thing in business is the mistakes you make and mistakes in terms of the direction of where you want to bring the company, and the time you waste in going the wrong direction or focusing on the wrong thing.

And if you have somebody experienced like Brad, that is huge because it can save you a ton of money. Having the possibility to have the advice from somebody who has been there and done that before is incredibly valuable."

-James Berdigans, Founder and ceo of

Imagine relying on just one device to manage your diabetes. PDT has made this possible.

SynerG™ is a single device that brings continuous glucose monitoring to all who take insulin. 

Pacific Diabetes Technologies Raised $1.75M+ Seed round

"I managed to raise now 1.75 million in the seed round over the last year.  It was long experience but it was a very fulfilling experience.

I would absolutely recommend the Venture Finance Academy to anybody that is a fresh CEO and trying to look for money because it puts everything into perspective and you have access to a comprehensive source of knowledge and expertise, including Brad, who gives just tremendous amount of helpful information and advice."

Thomas Seidl, CEO at Pacific Diabetes Technologies (PDT),
Portland, Oregon, USA

ZEMP's product suite enables small and medium businesses to sell across channels, manage operations across all core disciplines, engage with customers, accept payments and ultimately grow their business.

Swiss startup raised $1.3M swiftly

"When I started talking to the first potential investors and they asked "Can I have a look into your data room" and I was prepared. It was a very positive thing. It was much easier to get traction in the market. It was first preparation of 3 months and 4 months of negotiations with investors. All in all, within 7 months we raised 1.3 million dollars.

Brad was tangible, we had open conversations, coaching sessions, I had trust in him because he’s done it, he went through it, he talks from experience, and he has a very huge heritage. You accepted his advice because it worked. It is not a standard class. This is bespoke sessions with him where he focused and adapted his knowledge to my needs.I would definitely 100% recommend it."

Founder of Zemp Business Solutions
Lucerne, Switzerland |

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Present Your Venture to a Global Audience
